Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Market and Bridge Clock

Jamestown, The Market, May 2010
The Market building was prefabricated in England in 1865 by Gwynne and Co. Engineers of Essex Street Works, London. Cast-iron construction was chosen to resist termite attack from which Jamestown had suffered much in the preceding years. Believed refurbished in 1990.

 Jamestown, The Market, Detail, May 2010

The adjacent concrete Clock Tower, erected in memory of those who fell in The Great War 1914-1918, was designed by a British Resident Engineer, Captain Mainwaring, and funded from money raised from the public through a charitable committee consisting of Mr. John Thorpe, Mr. Charles Jameson and Mr. Edward Constantine, who had some £30 surplus after the placing of the Island Memorial Cenotaph. The decision was taken to use this surplus to erect a memorial clock whose time, by law, should be the official time of the colony. The Government voted £30 and public subscription produced some £80.

Jamestown, The Bridge Clock, Memorial Plaque, May 2010

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